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Enhancing Productivity while WFH

The pandemic has encouraged a lot of companies to organize employees with alternative work arrangement such as “stay at home work”. Challenges in this new arrangement are for employees to work in a organized and productive manner, while living a well integrated balanced life.

The different life elements are made memorable by using colors of the rainbows, built on the foundation of the color RED which represent work managing support resources and time for optimum productivity and results. With the red as base, the employee lives the other colors: ORANGE representing work and family relationships, YELLOW, devoting time for prayer, GREEN, taking breaks with time for rest and recreation, BLUE, ensuring proper work dressing and clean working space at home, INDIGO, pursuing self-directed research and study and VIOLET ensuring clear and proper communications.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the one day, 2 webinars “ENHANCING PRODUCTIVITY WHILE WFH”, the participants will be able to:

  1. Shift mind-set arounf CoVid-19 and manage one’s anxiety and fears to proactively move towards greater resolve at work
  2. Discover and examine the values of stay home work in living better work life balance.
  3. Appreciate best practices so as get the most out of working from home.
  4. Determine critical behaviors that will allow one the practice living out one’s personal and company values consistently and harmoniously with others.
  5. Commit to contribute to personal work productivity and effectiveness
  6. Realize how leading a colorful, well-balanced life can lead to personal effectiveness.
  7. Commit to a personal action plan at greater productivity of work at home

Webinar Content:

WEBINAR1: Discovery of Rainbow Life and Doing Perfect Work

  1. RED: Doing Perfect Work and Managing Personal Finances Work
  • Work Productivity
  1. ORANGE: Taking the Initiative to Build Trust In Relationships
  • Build Unity
  • Win-Win
  • Teamwork

WEBINAR2: Work Ethics, Health, Order, Continuous Improvement

  1. GREEN: Taking Care of Your Best Asset – Yourself
  • Holistic Health and Welness
  • Stress Management
  1. YELLOW: Discpline (Order and Harmony in One’s Environment)
  • Good Housekeeping
  • Time Management
  1. INDIGO: Wisdom and Continuous Learning
  • Wisdom
  • Holistic Development
  • Personal Growth and Appearance
  1. VIOLET: Communicating as a Way to Build Unity
  • Methods of Communication
  • Listening Skills
  • Effective Feedback

Developing a Personal Action Plan to Live the Rainbow Life Working from Home